================= Worker Configuration ================= Root PATH for load workers defaults to `/srv/robotice`. Here is expected one file per role in format yml. Full example for the reasoner: ----- .. code-block:: yaml cpu_arch: x86_64 os_family: Debian system_name: box name: rabbitmq1.box.robotice.cz environment: dev debug: true broker: "amqp://robotice:robotice@localhost:5672//robotice" database: engine: redis host: localhost port: 6379 metering: host: localhost port: 8125 sample_rate: 1 You can override this path by settings system variable `R_WORKER_DIR`. Expected files: ----- * /config_monitor.yml * /config_reasoner.yml *etc..* Defaults to `/srv/robotice/`. RabbitMQ or Redis: ===== RabbitMQ is recomended, but Redis is a good alternative. RabbitMQ ----- .. code-block:: yaml broker: "amqp://robotice:robotice@localhost:5672//robotice" *amqp://:@:/* Redis ----- Redis is more suited for *'all in one'* environments especially for deployments on BB or RPi. .. code-block:: yaml broker: "redis://localhost:6379/9" *redis://:/* Sentry logging: ===== Robotice supports logging to [Sentry]_. `dsn` key must be specified in worker configuration file and [Raven]_ lib is installed. Raven DSN ----- .. code-block:: yaml dsn: http://public:private@host/project More about loggin, read [Raven]_ and [Sentry]_ documentation. Graphite / Statsd: ===== Key metering representing metric backend for Robotice. Statsd configuration ----- .. code-block:: yaml metering: host: localhost port: 8125 sample_rate: 1 For more information about Graphite metering used in Robotice, read [Graphite]_ and [Statsd]_ documentation. .. [Raven] http://raven.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .. [Sentry] https://getsentry.com/welcome/ .. [Statsd] https://github.com/etsy/statsd.git .. [Graphite] http://graphite.wikidot.com/