======= Actions ======= If you have *actions* dierctory in your plans path actions will be accessable from you API .. code-block:: bash /srv/robotice/config/actions/my_actions.yml ... /srv/robotice/config/devices.yml /srv/robotice/config/plans.yml Now you can define your actions into my_actions.yml .. code-block:: yaml 1: name: 'Turn light 4 on in the kitchen' short_name: 'Light in kitchen' description: 'Long description for this action' command: 'reactor.commit_action' options: queue: reactor args: device: os_family: "Arch" socket: 4 device: sispm port: 0 value: 1 this_is_uuid: name: 'Turn light 4 off in the kitchen' short_name: 'Light in kitchen' description: 'Long description for this action' command: 'reactor.commit_action' options: queue: reactor args: device: os_family: "Arch" socket: 4 device: sispm port: 0 value: 0 navigate your browser to localhost:8004/action/list and see result .. code-block:: bash root@samsung:~# http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 611 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:22:54 GMT [ { "command": "reactor.commit_action", "description": "Long description for this action", "id": 1, "name": "Turn light 4 on in the kitchen", "options": { "args": { "device": { "device": "sispm", "os_family": "Arch", "port": 0, "socket": 4 }, "value": 1 }, "queue": "reactor" }, "short_name": "Light in kitchen" } ] Why ? Now do your actions ! .. code-block:: bash root@samsung:~# http POST HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 288 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:21:21 GMT { "action": { "command": "reactor.commit_action", "description": "Long description for this action", "id": 1, "name": "Turn light 4 on in the kitchen", "options": { "queue": "reactor" }, "short_name": "Light in kitchen" }, "state": "PENDING", "task-id": "e2b8925a-fb68-4390-ae9f-da725ea4c53e" } For more examplanation what you can do, see code below: .. code-block:: python options = action.options args = options.pop("args") kwargs = options.pop("kwargs") result = app.send_task( command, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, **options) For example: .. code-block:: yaml command: 'reactor.commit_action' options: queue: reactor exchange: reactor args: device: os_family: "Arch" socket: 4 device: sispm port: 0 value: 0 will send this task: .. code-block:: python send_task("reactor.commi_action", args=[{"os_family":"Arch", "socket":4, "device":"sispm", "port":0},0], queue="reactor", exhcange="reactor")